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6 things you need to know about Snapchat's cool new update


JUST WHEN WE thought we were weaning ourselves off it, the newest app update has made Snapchat super addictive again. Here’s what you need to know.

You can make your selfies spit rainbows

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As we attempted to accurately demonstrate for you without attracting too much attention to ourselves in the office. (We failed in this respect.)

Or turn into demons

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Or get hearts for eyes

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Us looking at all of you, TBH.

Along with a host of other weird’n'fun filters

snapfilters Source: DailyEdge.ie

Snapchat’s new Lenses feature offers a whole range of filters to doll up your selfies with, from wrinkles to a Terminator-style eyepiece to rosy cheeks and enlarged eyes.

Simply turn on your front-facing camera in the app, then tap and hold your face to see the options.

You can now earn ‘trophies’ for sending certain snaps

These trophies are little stickers or emojis - Snapchat have yet to explain what they actually mean, but we’re sure it’s extremely important (not).

For example, our little baby Snapchat account (dailyedge) just reached a Snapchat score of 100, so it got a little baby sticker.

IMG_5948 Source: DailyEdge.ie

Lastly, users in the US can now pay 99c to replay snaps

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The replay function is already a pretty well-known (and abused) feature of the app, but you could only use it for one snap, once per day. Now Snapchat will allow US users to purchase three replays for 99c, to enable even more creeping.

Happy Snapping!

11 surprising celebs you should follow on Snapchat>

14 times Snapchat perfectly summed up your life>

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